Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Felted Bags

Did I make these? No way! I can knit but my sister Linda is the expert knitter in the family! This was however her first attempt at felting and I think it looks devine. I sent her a copy of Nicky Epstein's Fabulous Felted Bags and some 100% wool yarn and she started playing around.

She also made me some extra roses with some wool left. Not sure what I will do with this yet but I am sure it will come in handy sometime. I do plan to make a fabric lining for these bags and more sturdy handles. Another item for my "to do list" which grows all the time!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Loraine- I receive your pkg yesterday and THANK YOU so much! I absolutely love it and am anxiously waiting for you to get yours in the mail! My daughter was very excited to see the stuff as her best friend from school moved here from South Africa 1.5 years ago. She wants to take some of the candies to show him! Thank you again for the beautiful and generous gift!

    I keep tabs on your blog now and LOVE reading it. I wish I could make bags like you- the post previous to this- I LOVE that bag! you should start an etsie shop?

    Take care and enjoy your new season- summer starting soon??
