Thursday, December 4, 2008

Creative Swap update

What a lovely birthday surprize to find this parcel in my post yesterday! Tulsi, my swap partner in the Creative Swap, sent me the most fabulous stuff!

I am crazy about the brown fabric with pink flowers and butterflies on it! Tulsi even sent me matching plain pink fabric and brown thread! The yellow fabric also came with matching thread and is ideal for my kitchen I am re-doing in yellow. I also received two handbag patterns! cannot wait to make them!

A box of cereal with all my favorite ingredients that I will be enjoying soon and a lovely card with a handwritten note inside. Thank you so much Tulsi! I LOVE everything in my parcel! I appreciate all the trouble you went to to get me stuff that I like.


  1. Congratulations in getting your creative swap items from your partner! They all look awesome. I'm still waiting for mine! HA! I hope I get it before the holiday rush.

  2. Hi Lorraine! I'm so excited to tell you that the package you sent arrived! I haven't had a chance to post it on my blog yet, but I promise I will very soon. I love the goodies you sent, oh and the box of chocolates, husband helped me devour it...hahaha! The little tote you sent is very cute, I am definitely going to use it. Thank you so much!
    Take care.

    ~ Gracie ~

  3. A swap... that sounds like sooo much fun! Hmm I should try one sometime.
    I have a little something for you over at my blog, stop by whenever you get a chance.

    Have a great day

  4. I am so glad that you received it. And that it came at a good time!! Happy Birthday!!! When ever I ship out of the country I worry. I hoped that you would be able to use the fabric. I went back in a couple of days later to see about getting me some of the brown butterfly print and it was gone. I guess someone else liked it, too. I also hoped that the patterns were different from ones you already had. It has made me want to start making bags. My youngest said she would love me to start doing that so she will be so fashionable at all times. Funny how they think it is all for them.
