Wednesday, December 3, 2008

It's my birthday today!

I have not posted for a few days and feel really guilty about it! Although I have been crafting a little bit, I have not taken any photos yet. I have spent some time on making some stuff for our entertainment area since we are getting a few people over for supper tonight to celebrate my birthday. My husband and the boys woke me up at 6am this morning to give me my presents! All craft-related. Lovely! I will share some photos later this week.


  1. Happy Birthday beautiful blogger friend! I so wish that you got your package TODAY- on your birthday! I hopw your family did something fantastic for you today! If I was there i could have brought you a HUGE cake!

    My daughter's best friend from school is from South Africa and they just went back there for the whole month of december... i wanted to jump in and come meet you;)

    I have learned my lesson about sending over seas- would have been better to send it EXPRESS post... so sorry

    Hope your day is FABULOUS!

  2. Happy Belated Birthday wishes to you! Sorry, I've not been keeping up, but the time just seems to fly. Sounds like you had a great day!
