Friday, January 16, 2009


The boys and their Dad love trout fishing so we went camping near Belfast before Christmas. I still cannot believe I stayed in a TENT! I prefer more luxury these days...
It was a beautiful setting though. If you look closely, you might see my son casting on the left of the picture.
This is the view from our deck. The best time of day for me in Africa - just before the sun makes place for the moon and darkness. A cosy fire and good company with the sounds of the African Bush...

An angled view of our "tent". I have never seen so many spiders in one place!

This was the "washing area"! I was rather concerned about doing this chore at night with all the spiders around! We had a lovely relaxing time with no TV, no cellphone reception - just nature. The boys walked for hours every day to catch a cellphone signal!

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