Friday, January 16, 2009

Thanksgiving Swap parcel arrived!

On 8 January 2009 my Thanksgiving Swap parcel from Alexa in Canada finally arrived! Poor Alexa have been frantic that it took so long. What a lovely surprize!

I received the most fantastic goodies from Alexa!

A lovely scented candle in a glass holder; a stunning ceramic pumpkin; dishcloths and potholder in lovely fall colours, the cutest little picture frame, some lovely smelling leave ornaments for the table (what is that lovely smell, Alexa?) and the best of all - a stunning table runner! It is simply awesome! I do not own a table runner and I am delighted with this one! It fits perfectly into my everyday decor and I plan to use it in my dining room.

A closer view of the gorgeous table runner, pumpkin and candle holder.

A close-up pic of the darling little picture frame! THANK YOU so much, Alexa! I adore my loot!


  1. Pinktulip-
    I am your Sassy Winter apron swap partner. I've been feeling horrible because I sent your package on November 21st, but it hasn't seemed to arrive yet. After seeing this post...I'm thinking that it might still be on it's way. What do you think? Please contact me

  2. Hey girl! I'm SO glad you got your PKG- better late then never? I hate that it took so long! anyhow- GLAD GLAD GLAD it made it! You haven't been posting much- but I'm so loving your crafts! teach me more! have a wonderful weekend!

  3. so i take it you havent recieved your christmas swap either! from me ashlee hillis
