Tuesday, February 17, 2009

New fabric

I really have a nice stash of fabric already. I do not REALLY need anymore. But then you look on the internet and you see your favorite designer has just launched a new line of fabric. And you LOVE the fabric. You must have some! Well, I am an Amy Butler fabric fan. I confess. Her fabrics continue to delight me. Inspire me to create beautiful things. So I will just have to make more space...

With the global economic downturn my husband keeps telling me the difference between WANT and NEED. But I must admit, I get confused when it comes to fabric. Everything becomes a NEED to me. What was the difference again?

My new rule for 2009 is that if I want some fabric or craft books, I make myself wait a few days. If I still NEED it a few days later, I must have it. It was really meant to be mine. So off I went to Etsy and I was delighted to find 2 shops that had my favorites on a 50% sale! Isn't that a sign?

So here is some of the new Amy Butler Daisy Chain fabric I bought. I also bought some of her new August Fields home dec fabric which I did not take pictures of. I am in fabric heaven!

Whilst on Etsy I saw some other cute fabric which of course I needed as well. This came at a really good price as part of a destash effort. I can see many possibilities with this fabric...

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