Monday, March 30, 2009

Amy Butler is a genius!

I am an Amy Butler fan! Confirmed. Love her fabric. Love her projects. Love her patterns. So I was really excited when I saw she has a new product launching in June 2009. recently reported that Amy Butler has teamed up with Electric Quilt to launch Amy Butler Softwares. This is a new way to purchase Amy's projects in electronic format. Trueup shares this link where you can see a preview of the gorgeous new projects that will be available in June 2009 for purchase.

This makes me especially happy as I can purchase, download and use. No postage fees and no waiting! If you are an Amy Butler fan, go check the above link out.


  1. You know that I love all things Amy Butler. She is amazing, and I can't wait to download a few of those cuties on her site.

  2. i love Amy Butler too! Thank you for sharing. Have a lovely merry happy weekend and love to you!
