Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Favourite Sewing Magazines

Subscribing to sewing magazines from overseas are horrendously expensive so I have to be very selective which ones I buy. Our local bookstores do not stock ANY sewing magazines, but many quilting magazines. So I was over the moon to discover a special in December on a subscription for the US magazine Sew News. I have ordered a few single magazines before and loved the projects in Sew News and the special issues of Sew Simple.

So imagine my delight when my first issue arrives and it features a handbag special! Bag ideas galore. From changing patterns to ideas on interesting handbag hardware to patterns to make bags. It also features a lovely heart pincushion...

It also shows you how to make a cushion, scarve, belt and fabric jewelry. Then there are product reviews, book reviews and loads of articles offering sewing advice and tips. A great read!

My best sewing magazine however is the recently launched UK magazine, Sew Hip! I love the projects and the book reviews are great. I have several projects from these magazines on my to-do-list. The subscription is extremely expensive so I am currently buying single magazines from the Publisher every month.

I would love to get my hands on other sewing magazines such as the UK's Sewingworldmagazine and a few others from the US. It is impossible to purchase single copies of these magazines so I will have to do without. Bummer!

1 comment:

  1. Oh thank you for sharing these wonderful magazines...im gonna try and see if they sell it locally here. I love japanese sewing magazines like Cotton Time and Cotton Friend..they do have really cute lovely wonderful projects! Have a lovely merry happy day and love to you and yours!
