Tuesday, March 17, 2009

My first metal frame purse!

Isn't she pretty? I am in LOVE! This is my first attempt at a metal purse frame and I learnt some valuable lessons along the way. I followed a fab tutorial posted by Lisa of U-Handbag at http://u-handbag.typepad.com/. It's a bit scew on the right and I messed a bit with the glue. Wish I read some other comments BEFORE I did it, but the next one will be better!

I used my current favorite fabric from the Amy Butler Daisy Chain range. I have already cut out a bag from the same fabric mixed with chocolate brown vinyl in a new style.

A better view of the inside. When I took the pictures I have not cleaned the excess glue off yet. I bought the metal frames from Cottontouch on Etsy last year when I wanted my sister to knit and felt me some bags for these frames. I have ordered a few more frames from Cottontouch recently to try some other style bags, like bigger bags with a chain handle and some coin purses.

UPDATED: Lessons learnt:

Use CLEAR drying glue! I used white craft glue and this messed on my fabric big-time! Do not use too much glue! Wow, did I plaster the glue in there. What a mess! NicoleM from Australia suggests you use a matchstick to put the glue in the frame. That's what I plan to do with the next one. I also need to make some adjustments to my pattern as the gap between the hinges and the fabric is too big. Even with interfacing ironed on both the outer fabric and lining, there was still a gap when the fabric was in the frame so I used some of the string I use for piping to fill the gap. Worked like a charm! Patience! Wow, do you need lots of that! Give the glue some time to dry. Overnight. Now I just need to find out Nicole's secret to crimping the frame without a crimping tool and NOT using pliers! I went on Etsy today and ordered plenty more metal frames and even some chain handles. Lots more metal frame purses coming soon!


  1. That is adorable!! I haven't tried metal frames yet, but I might give it a go!

  2. OMG pink, this is sooo lovely and i soo soo love it! Thank you sooo much for the turorial link i too want to try to make a frame purse but never really know how they get the fabric hook to the frame!

    Thank you soo much for sharing! Have a lovely merry day and love to you!!
