Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Fat Quarter Sling Purse

I came upon a pattern for a Fat Quarter Sling Purse quite by accident and ended up buying the pattern. I just love the fact that you can make a bag out of such a small piece of fabric! Laura from http://wewilsons.blogspot.com/ designed the bag. It is fabulous!

I have made plenty bags but this bag was a challenge! Everything that could go wrong, did! I have NEVER unpicked so much in one bag. I was however determined to make the bag and make it well. So here it is! I love it. I used Amy Butler home dec fabric from her new range in a bright orange. The inside is a light blue soft denim. I plan to make another one of these in a soft denim matching a skirt I have cut out soon....

1 comment:

  1. Wow - thanks for that link - I love fat quarter projects - I've even noticed some of the BIG pattern companies promoting bag patterns as "Fat Quarter Friendly"! Great perserverance! Shall look this one up.
