Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Weekend sewing

I am still trying to catch up on blog posts since I came back. The weekend I arrived back I got straight into some sewing for the house. I have been keen to "re-do" the dining room first.

This magazine I purchased at Hobby Lobby has been a great inspiration and I could not wait to get started.

This is such a simple, yet effective, idea. You just cover pieces of polystyrene with your favorite fabric and fix it to the wall. I just used prestic. A few orange pots and one of my two new cane chairs in view. I bought these chairs at a thrift store for $10 each! I am planning to make colourful cushions for the chairs and create a reading corner in the house.

I also made a table runner for my square dining table, using the small stash of orange pom-poms I had and some colourful fabric from Hobby Lobby. You can see a little bit of the large wall unit in the back. I re-arranged the wall unit and put lots of photo frames out as well as a few nice ornaments and on the floor, a new colourful rug. Almost done!

Just a glimpse of some things I did in the kitchen so far. I decided on a turqoise blue colour for the kitchen and found some awesome stuff in my cupboard to use for this corner. (Excuse the dirty dishes just visible below!).

More decorating to come.

1 comment:

  1. I really like your craft ideas. I have access to lots of weird old vinyl patterns that would work perfectly.
