Monday, May 11, 2009

Fabulous Dresses!

I did some great sewing this weekend! I made two fabulous skirts (sorry, no pictures yet!), a dress and started on another dress yesterday. I have recently started buying the Burda Fashion magazine locally and just love the patterns inside, even if most are too big for me. I made the BIG mistake to visit the website on Friday night and saw pictures of what will be featured in the next issue - fabulous dresses! Do you think I can wait THREE WEEKS for the next issue to be available locally? No way! I HAVE to make this dress NOW.

Isn't this dress fabulous?! (The above dress is featured in the Burda Fashion Magazine, May 2009 issue). I cut out the fabric based on another dress pattern I have, modified the front for the overlap, but now I am stuck a bit. I am having a bit of trouble with sewing the overlap front neatly into the band just below the bust. I finally developed a headache last night from trying to make this work, so I gave up, for now. If anyone has some advice, please leave a comment!

I also wanted to share this fabulous FREE dress pattern. Recently, a new sewing magazine was launched - Stitch. Stitch is published by Interweave and the second issue just came out. It will only be available locally in June (takes about 2 months to get here!) but they post some of the projects on their website. If you are into sewing clothes, visit there website on and download the free patterns. There are three fabulous dresses, a biker (wrap) skirt and a cute bangle bag to choose from. My favorite is the Mix and Match dress which I already made this weekend in pink and black. I will post some pictures soon.

Hope you all had a great Mother's Day!


  1. Gald you had a great weekend and so much going on! I would love to see the skirts and dress you made! I love this dress featured in the photo...looks soo pretty and is something i would wear! You soo talented! *hugz*
    Have a lovely merry happy day and love to you!

  2. very cool resource...those are some pretty cute clothes! Thanks :-D Can't wait to see the pics of your mix and match dress
