Monday, May 18, 2009

Say hello to my new Baby!

I have always wanted a serger but did not see myself paying the exorbitant prices they seem to go for. Then recently I discovered a little Singer shop close to work that sells second-hand machines of all kinds and also now do all my sewing machine services.

From time to time they find used sewing machines, service them and do any repairs required, and then sell them. I asked the staff to call me if they have a well-priced serger in stock. On Thursday afternoon I got the call....I was there first thing Friday morning to have a look. What to do? Do I buy a serger and we eat soup for the rest of the month? Or do I wait for another bargain? What do you think I did?

Of course I bought it! So here is my "new" baby! An Empisal Mercury 404. I have never worked on a serger before so this is a learning curve for me. I received a 30 minute lesson on how to operate it from the expert at the Singer shop. I am amazed at what this baby can do! And how long it takes just to thread it! I had to go and stock up on thread of course. This baby eats thread!

I took it out the box and stared at it, touched it and marvelled at what it can do this weekend, but I am too scared to try it yet! I need to find a project to use it on. Soon. Oh, and I need to do some research on what this baby can really do.

I did not do much sewing this weekend though. I started making a pink satin top, but it's not finished yet. I re-organized my fabric and just chilled reading a new book in the sunroom on Sunday. On Saturday I spent some time shopping with the boys which does not happen often now they are teenagers. I hope to catch up on my sewing soon.


  1. WOW this is soo cool! Helloo to your new baby! Im sooo excited for you. hehe Can't wait to see the goodies you make with this baby. :)
    Another new top!? Im looking forward to that too. :D Have a lovely week ahead and love to you!

  2. very cool! I never thought about getting a used one...great idea!

  3. Have fun with your new baby. I have a used one too and have a lot of fun with. Hope to see you around. Mika (

  4. Hi,
    I just got my own empisal mercury overlocker, but without the mannual.
    Is there any chance you can help me with that please??

  5. I also have been given a empisal like yours and without a manual and I'm in desperate need of one. Is there any way you could please help a girl out :'(

  6. Hi PLEASE can you mail it to me I bought mine 2nd hand with no manual had to buy a new needle plate. thanks

  7. Hi Pink Tulip, love your comments on your Empisal Mercury 404 baby! I have one as well and haven't used it in a while. I seem to have lost my manual somewhere during all the moves. I now live in New Zealand. Would it be possible for you to scan your manual and email the scan to me? I would be sooooo grateful! Cheers Elsie
