Monday, June 29, 2009

Crocheted coin purses

As you know I am participating in Kate's challenge to sew something you normally avoid. This weekend I was trying my best to avoid starting my project. I did however select the pattern and the fabric I would use. I got a headache just looking at the fabric! More about that later.

So instead, I played around with making some crocheted coin purses. I have quite a few metal purse frames I ordered from Etsy and I always feel bad because I don't use them often enough. Now that I am hooked on crochet, I decided to crochet one. I searched the internet but could not find exactly what I am looking for. Remember that although I have been knitting and crocheting since I was a child, I am still a complete novice! I can do both, but can only do basic stitches, no fancy stuff. I am hopeless at following even the simplest pattern! I always end up with more stitches, or even less, than the pattern. So, I decided to make my own pattern!

I have a few of these very small metal purse frames that have holes to handsew the fabric to the frame. This is the first time I am using one of them. What a pleasure to use and so cute! I used some of my lovely Sublime angora yarn for this one.

I also made this one to fit a bigger frame. This frame is about 3.75". I have compiled a PDF tutorial for both of these crocheted purse frames and will post it as soon as I figure out how to upload a PDF to my blog! Any advice would be welcome!

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