Monday, June 1, 2009

Giveaway results - 100th post

Thank you for participating in my 100th post celebration! I put all the names in a hat and got a colleague to draw the names.

The winner of the bag made by Pinktulip is Jacqueline! Congratulations, Jacqueline! Thanks for your inspirational comments and visiting so often. I will be in contact to get your details and start making your bag soonest!

As promised, there were two other prizes of a local craft magazine and some African fabric as well. Although the intention was to just draw two other names, for some reason Lola's name card kept attaching itself to the names being drawn! Talk about persistance to win!

So, we now have THREE other winners: Gingini, MilliMollyMandy and LOLA! Congratulations! I will be in contact to get your postage details.


  1. Oh,how exciting, thankyou !!
    And thanks for the info on the skirt. Will let you know how it turns out.

  2. I can't believe I won! Thank you very much!:D:D:D

  3. OMG i can't believe it either...i won a bag!!?? soooo happy *flying off to cloud9* A bag made by you! Thank you soooo very much dear friend for such a wonderful giveaway! Also congratz to other winners! Have a lovely merry happy first week of june and lots of love to you!

  4. Ak! I missed it!! bummer...congrats again for your 100th post!
