Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Thinking out of the box challenge - complete!

As per my previous post, I finally selected the project I will make for Kate's (http://curiositys.wordpress.com/) Thinking Outside the Box Challenge!

I survived working with RED. I survived mixing bright colours that don't match (according to me). I managed to follow Nikki's Belle bag pattern without any major problems. Whew! So, here she is! The brightest bag in town!

I think the little Belle bag is quite cute! I would love to make another one with some of my favorite pink fabrics. I would however use firmer interfacing next time.
I wish I had a different colour bag handles to use, but this is all I had. Since we are thinking outside the box, I suppose it does go!

Very roomy inside despite it looking so small from the outside.

At least I managed to line them up pretty well. This is the bottom outside of the Belle bag. I adore Nikki's (http://nicolemdesigns.com.au/) patterns! I think I will buy a few more soon!

Of course, my "STOP" button is out of order, so whilst I was on a roll, I made another bright bag! This cute little mini-bag is not any specific pattern or design. Not sure if I will ever use it. I'm sure it will become a present!

I still need to sew a button on to the little flower. I used very stiff interfacing and added a large pocket inside.No more RED for a while now, thank you....

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