Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Crocheting with cotton

This cotton yarn looked so yummy, and it's a local brand that contributes towards uplifting underpriviledged women in rural areas, that I had to buy some and try it. I found a lovely free pattern on Jo-ann's website for crocheted placemats and here is the first one!
I have crocheted with thin cotton before, but I have never really made anything bigger than a small piece or little flowers for my scrapbooking pages. This was a bit frustrating for me. I like quick projects. This is all I made the entire weekend! Very unproductive to say the least. And I have 7 more to make?! I also still have to starch them, selecting a method from the multiple options available. I forced myself to complete at least one placemat so I can see if I need more cotton yarn. This little baby takes a little more than one little cotton skein. To my calculations, I need another 4 to complete the project. The shop does not have any more of this colour!
What is the lesson? Rather buy too much than too little. I think I will mix the brown and orange a bit. If I can get more brown, I might be able to finish it.
Pssst! Arthur Bales in Linden is having a fantastic sale! I took a few of the girls from the office yesterday to stock up on our yarn stash. Wow! The shop was so full of women grabbing yarn, you had to be quick! I did get some stunning yarn and now need more storage...
This is my new storage solution in my re-vamped craft room. I love these plastic containers and they stack very nicely too. This is all stacked behind the door so it's neat and I can see what I have. Like a growing stash of yarn....and a huge stash of fabric!


  1. pretty placemat! i'm sure the set will look great once finished. your storage is simple and clever :)its nice to be able to see everything through clear boxes.

  2. You have lovely yummie yarns! And that storage solution in your craft room are great idea!! Hope you had a lovely weekend and wishing you a good week ahead! Love to you!

  3. I like your placemat! I always seem to under estimate how much yarn I will need as well...don't you hate that!? I think this placemat would actually be pretty with others of different colors...maybe you could tie them all together by having the brown stripes on all of them, but having the main color be blue, pink, yellow, green.
