Thursday, July 16, 2009

Sewing again!

As you know, I am still in the "crochet and felting" phase. I recently made a holder for all my crochet hook and other items needed, but it just did not work in practise. Too big. Crochet hooks falling out. The list goes on. So I searched the internet and found this great tutorial here I made one each for the ladies in the office that I brainwashed to take up crochet to keep them keen! And one for me...
So here is mine. I made a few changes. Surprize! I like the woolfelt for my needles and I also like Amy Butler! Love this one. So portable.

I also added a velcro-fastening that makes opening and closing easier and quicker. The ribbon tie takes too long! I bought this lovely pink velcro at Hobby Lobby in Chicago earlier this year just because it was pink. I knew it would come in handy sometime.
Last night I also had time to fix two skirts I bought at cheap prices a while ago. The skirts were both adorable but miles too big for me. My plan was to undo the waist and make them smaller to fit me. This is the first one I fixed and I love it. The second one is in the wash and I will show it when I wear it, soon!


  1. I wish I had learned to crochet from my Grandma...years ago. Where do I go to learn now??

    I LOVE the skirt!

  2. Love the rolls. I do that with skirts too. But them too big because they don't have my size (But then I often just wear them as is - almost round my ankles LOL)
