Monday, July 20, 2009

Skirty weekend

This past Saturday I was in the mood to make some skirts. I ended up making 4 skirts, but none of them are completely finished. As always, I did not use one specific pattern, but used portions of patterns and the rest was my own experimenting. The above skirt is fabulous! I love it! I cut the skirt from a basic A-line pattern I drafted from the book Sew What! Skirts. The dotted brown fabric is a chiffon and I also cut a underskirt from black jersey stretch fabric the same size, but sewed it a bit smaller to fit underneath. You can see the longer hem of the underskirt showing on the picture as I am planning to sew this on my serger.
The top of the skirt is a piece of what is called locally "ribbing". It is a very stretchy ribbed fabric perfect for skirts. Sadly, I broke several sewing rules making this lovely skirt and when I fitted it on, it was too small! Did I remember that the pattern was for an A-line skirt with a zip? Did I measure the top to my hip size? Did I fit on at regular intervals? Of course not. Now I have to undo the top and move it lower. I so hate undoing. But I adore this skirt, so I will be doing that soon. And I have more chiffon lined up to make a few more of these!


  1. very cute skirt! It is so horrible to work so hard on something just to find out you have to undo it because it doesn't fit right. This happens to me all the time! I love your bag in the last post btw.

  2. The ribbing reminds me of when I was a teenager. I used to make tube dresses out of ribbing. Of course then I had a figure!! Now of course I would look like a sack of potatoes LOL
