Thursday, September 24, 2009

Superbuzzy order arrived!

You might remember several weeks ago that I entered Kate's "Thinkin' outside the box" challenge on her blog and won a $30 gift voucher to the fabulous Superbuzzy shop. It took me absolute ages to decide what to buy with my gift voucher! Will it be fabulous Japanese fabrics? Or maybe some awesome Japanese craft books? No, some Japanese yarn would be lovely. What about those adorable bag handles? This is what I finally decided on.
I am so glad I did! Althoughthe book on the right has a few lovely crochet bag patterns in, most of the projects in both books are of a different nature. Things I have not really tried before. What is nicer than that? Here are a few projects from the book on the right. (Sorry, I forgot the English translated name for it and I cannot read Japanese!)

I adore these gorgeous charms! They will look great on my bags, both crochet and fabric.

I love these little charm balls. I could not believe how simple they are to crochet. The book also includes a little basket, scarve, shawl, crochet hook case, lovely flower accessories, brooches, hair accessories and a few more bags. Can't wait to get started on some of these projects!

The book on the left, Lacy Crochet, is part of a few Japanese craft books that have been translated into English. I have mixed feelings about this translation. Although it's great to read the instructions and understand the patterns better, it has lost it's Japanese charm completely. Ah well, you can't win them all! Here are a few projects from this book.

An adorable little coin purse with crocheted leaves charms attached to the frame. I am a sucker for metal frame purses.Isn't this basket too cute? There are many more small projects. Lots of embellishments such as flowers and more of those cute balls I mentioned above, kitchen stuff, etc. More stuff I have not made before. Wish I had more time! My sincere thanks again to Kate for the gift voucher! I love my books and will share the projects I make from it!


  1. Wow, these look like great books! I'm so glad you were able to find something!

  2. Great books and such cute items! I am looking forward to your new projects! Have a lovely merry happy day and love to yoU!
