Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Build Your Wardrobe sewing

I had another weekend of just pottering around doing this and that, but nothing creative really. On Sunday afternoon I realized the weekend is almost finished again and I NEED to make something. Now.

The question was: do I make a bag, or clothing? I decided to sew something from the pile I cut out the previous weekend. Love this jersey fabric and might still have enough left for a skirt. I now forget the pattern name. I will update this post soon with that detail.

What a lovely pattern! Recently, I made a similar cross-over dress from another pattern and at the first fitting, I was horrified! It was HUGE! This pattern is stunning. The top fits perfectly.

I bribed my son to take the picture, so it is obvious there was no interest really...I used a plain black jersey for the neck trim and normally I suck at the neck trim. It always come out too lose or puckered. This time it worked perfectly. I think you have guessed it! More of this style to come! If I find a nice pattern that fits me well, I make several!

I also received several parcels last Monday. All stuff I ordered a while back. It felt like Xmas will all three parcels arriving on the same day!

First up, two parcels with yummy new yarn, all for felting bags! I ordered some from and some from Little knits had great prices on Cascade 220, although limited colours and also the book I have been wanting for ages! had a great price on the Shepherd wool in delicious colours.

This book. You might remember a few posts back this book was on my wishlist? The bags are all knitted, then felted, and all awesome. I cannot decide which one to make first. Littleknits also has Book 11 with more felted bags on sale now, so I might order that soon.

I also received the three books I ordered from, our local "Amazon". I'll share more on these books in my next post. Hope you all have a great Friday!


  1. I love the top! I have made pants before, but have been a little nervous about trying a top. Hmmm yours is so adorable I may just have to try my hand at it! Isn't it fun getting packages! I love it! Can wait to see what you make now that you have your yarn and book!!
    Keep in touch!

  2. WOW i really adore your top style and the fabric you used! You are soo very talented dear friend! I am inspire by you to want to make something wearable for myself. hehe

    Isn't such fun to receive packages in the mail! It's one of my all time favorite things i heart! Have a lovely merry happy day and love to you!

  3. Beautiful top...the fabric is so bright and cheery, and it looks great on you!!

  4. wow, that is one super cute top! Well done!

  5. That is a stunning top. I do wish I could sew clothes (or at least make the time to try!). It looks fabulous on you. Let me know when you remember the pattern name!!

  6. Love that fabric! And it fits so well - it looks beautiful on you.
