Friday, November 6, 2009

Getting ready for the weekend...

Last night I started getting things ready for my planned "sewing weekend". I selected fabrics, looked for suitable patterns and then traced off some of the patterns I plan to use from my Burda magazines. Tonight I will start cutting out and maybe even sew a bit. I might even finally use my serger!

The threading on my serger scares me spitless. Since I bought an older second-hand model, I do not have the user manual. Searching on the internet has not been successful either. Must get over this now.

I hope to show some nice creations on Monday. Maybe even a fabric bag or two as well. Lova's bag looks awesome...


  1. How fun it is to plan a creative weekend! Have a wonderful merry happy weekend and love to you!

  2. I love sewing weekends! hey..wait...EVERY weekend is a sewing weekend for me!
    What brand of serger? I've owned a few, maybe I can help with the threading?

  3. Spitless? I'm going to use that :) Hope you had fun sewing!

  4. Hope you got lots of sewing done!
