Friday, February 19, 2010

Japanese crochet bag pattern - HELP!

I finally figured out why I have not made much lately. I need INSPIRATION. Something that will make me say: "That is fabulous! I want to MAKE that!" I found it. This is a crochet bag pattern available FREE on my favorite Japanese yarn website, Pierrot. I was browsing in Ravelry yesterday and came upon this beauty, as well as a few other fabulous bags.

I have already selected my yarn, some lovely pink variagted wool I bought at the recent Arthur Bales Sale, but when I studied the pattern, I got stuck. I need urgent HELP, please. I have made many items from Japanese patterns and I can pretty much read all the symbols, but this pattern has a new symbol in it. Here is a picture of it:

This helpful explanation is at the bottom of the pattern. Not helpful if you do not understand Japanese! Can anyone read Japanese? Or help me with this symbol? This stitch is familiar except for the little hook at the end. Sadly, I cannot start on the pattern until I figure this one out as most of the stitches in the pattern is this one! If you can help, please leave a comment on my blog. I have searched the Internet and cannot find this symbol anywhere. Hope you all have a great weekend!


Thanks Gina for all your helpful links. I found it! Can you believe this symbol is a dc but the little hook at the end shows left or right, indicating if you should work the stitch in the front- or back loop! I will be making this bag on the weekend!


  1. This bag is fab!!!! I hope you find someone who can help you. I know there is a blog with some translations. But I don't remember it's name. Maybe later. ;)

  2. Just popped by to say hellowe and how much I like your blog. Found yo on artsycraftybabe and thought I would take a look. I also make handbags and love the one you made with the frame - I may try one after seeing yours and I do not think the lining bad, it works with the bag. Have a great day

    Is dat wat?

    I have found even more if you need that. ;)

  5. actually, at least in the US, that symbol is for a post stitch. a post stitch is where you work around the stitch instead of into the stitch, and the symbol right there indicates that it's a front post double crochet stitch. (you can use the diagram key in my book if need be!). the post stitches are how you get that raised texture on the front of the bag. have fun with it!

  6. Hello, I love this bag, is very beautifull !!! I look for the pattern on the ravelry site. I don't find the pattern. Can you help me ? (sorry my english is very little!). Thanks!!!

  7. How can I get this pattern in English I really love this purse

  8. I would love the pattern for thid bag. Can someone please tell me where I can find it? Thanks!!
