Friday, April 16, 2010

Crafty Update

I know I have been very quiet lately, and that's not because nothing is happening in my craft room, it's because I have so many WIP's and nothing finished to share! I currently have a zillion bags in my craft room with handbags I started crocheting or knitting, tops I have cut out that needs sewing and a pile of finished crocheted bags that just needs the lining sewn.
Does that stop me from starting more new projects? No way! Soon my room will be dominated by WIP's. I have to do something fast. This is one of those new projects I started in the last week. I just love this bag! My first try at hexagons. Great fun and my bag is finished, just needs lining and handles now. Of course, I did not make it like the pattern. I changed the shape completely and I'm not sure if I am happy with the result. I'll share next week.

This is my progress on the orange designer crochet coat I showed in the previous post. I started on it last Sunday and am halfway with the back panel. I am just smitten with this pattern and can already picture wearing my gorgeous coat! It will however take me weeks to finish this project. I normally only take on small, quick projects and this is the biggest yet. To avoid boredom, I only work on it a few hours a week.

I hope to finish some of the WIP's this weekend. Wish me luck!


  1. So you are a 'new started' rather than a 'finisher' see my earlier blog about this subject. I love the orange colour and I can see it will make a lovely coat. I wish I could work with needles and wool but when I attempt any such work it usually ends in disaster. I will stick to sewing I think as we have enough 'dish clothes' as my son says.

  2. I love the hexagon bag and the coat will be amazing!

  3. I really adore looking at your work in progress! I adore those crocheted flowers! You have such wonderful projects going on! Looking forward to see them finish. Hope your weekend was wonderful. Have a lovely merry happy week and love to you!
