Monday, July 19, 2010

Crochet That Fits - Completed Sweater Bag

I finished the Sweater Bag from my new book, Crochet That Fits. I crocheted this bag with Elle Toy Story yarn, a local brand, using two strands at the same time throughout the pattern, in Magenta. Not sure why the colors never show up right in my pics. Maybe I need to take pictures in daylight. Another super-easy and fun bag to make! I made this bag on our weekend away in ONE evening!

Because I crochet so lose, lining is essential for my bags. This bag presented a problem to line as the top opening was very narrow. After trying several ideas, I had a brainwave. I turned the bag inside out, attached the lining by hand just below the narrower top and turned it back right side out again. Worked like a charm!
This is a nice, roomy bag. It came out quite big, but I love it! The handles are made from my new leather fabric called "a touch of leather". I am not sure how fabric can have a touch of leather and not be leather, but this is great fabric. Soft to the touch, easy to handle and almost like real leather. It sews so much easier too. I attached O-rings to the handles and handsewed it onto the inside of the bag.
Despite all my plans to do some sewing this weekend, I never did. Instead I started on a new crochet bag from another new book, Positively Crochet, from Mary Jane Hall again. This is the Patchwork Purse and I selected three colors I think look awesome together - brown, orange and turqoise blue. I am almost finished with the bag and will share soon.
Hope you all had a great weekend and a fabulous week ahead.


  1. Wow! Love the color of your bag! I also love your idea of turning the bag inside out to sew the lining in. What a great tip. And the handles look great! Thanks for posting the pictures and great comments!

    Mary Jane Hall
    Author of Crochet That Fits and Positively Crochet!

  2. This is another gorgeous bag! I LOVE the bright color! Wonderful work as always! You are truely inspiring and vsuper talented friend! Have a lovely merry happy day and love to you!
