Monday, February 21, 2011

More peasant tops...

If you visit my blog often, you will know that once I find a good clothing pattern, I make hundreds of the same item...At the moment, I am all hung up on the peasant-style tops, using two patterns I made myself using a pattern from the Bernina magazine as a basis for one, and a store-bought top for the other.

Last week, before a severe sinus infection hit me, I made a plain black top and this top. The above top is made from a lovely mint green jersey knit with black polka dots. This pattern has several pieces, sleeves, top front, top back and then lower front and lower back. It is based on a store bought top that I love wearing.

I finally started feeling human again last night and decided to draft my own cap sleeve top pattern. This is after I searched through my own (one million!) patterns and then went online and bought more patterns from Needless to say, the patterns I bought were not what I was looking for! But they are very nice...

Once again, I used bits and pieces of other patterns and the rest I did by hand. Think this will work. As soon as I have time, I plan to try this pattern out.

Hope you all have a great week!


  1. I can see why you like that style - very flattering!!!

  2. I love the fabric & your top!!

  3. I love cap sleeve top and your's is just so beautiful! You are so talented sweet friend! Have a lovely merry happy weekend and love to you!

  4. Love the polkadots - they look great

  5. If you love peasant style, try the book "Sew Serendipity", by Kay Whitt. It's loaded with beautiful trendy peasant style shirt and jacket ideas, along with some really cut dresses and skirts. Comes with easy to use patterns. I got mine from amazon. Best sewing book I've boughten so far, it's so colourful and full of inspiration. Best wishes and love your blog. Connie

  6. Dearest sweet pink, it's wonderful to be back in the swing of things here on blogland. I was just thinking of you and came droping by. I hope all is well and you are doing great. Have a lovely merry happy weekend and love to you!

  7. I am duly impressed!! Your top is very pretty. Hope to chat soon. xxx
