Thursday, January 5, 2012

To a crafty 2012!

I hope you all had a peaceful Christmas and wish you a crafty 2012! My first goal for 2012 is to make more time for my crafts this year. That includes blogging about it!

A New Year means new things so my plan is to revamp things around here a bit and then to blog more regularly - even if I don't make anything...I certainly am adding to the stash regularly, so I will have something to share!

We spent a few days in the southern Drakensberg area in KwaZulu Natal, near a pretty town called Nottingham Road. The weather did not support much else than trout or bass fishing though. We were home to spent Xmas with the family and then left again on Boxing Day for Mosselbay. We spent a glorious 10 days there with friends. My DH and youngest son did some scary stuff like bungy jumping off the Bloukrans Bridge (that is a 216m drop!) and scuba diving (in a cage of some sort) with great white sharks! I decided to join the shark diving expedition at the last moment, but it was fully booked. Bummer.

I spent lots of time doing girly things like getting my hair done, having tea with the girls at a charming tea garden, and lots of shopping of course. Then one day, my friend dropped me off at this crappy shopping mall and I made the biggest fabric find EVER at a small little shop inside! I will share some pictures in my next post, if I survive the spring cleaning faze at my house!

I cannot wait to share what I found in Mosselbay. Let me go find my camera...

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