Friday, November 7, 2008

Craft Room

I often enjoy seeing posts and pictures of other crafters' craft rooms. I realized that I have not taken and posted pictures of my craft room before and decided to post a few pictures on my blog and more on my Flickr page. I re-organized my craft room last weekend and added a few new items I found at home decoration shops. I created this little corner in my craft room to show off my pincushions. The jewelry stand caught my eye in the shop and it looks so beautiful with the pink dress! you can also see my strawberries I made one weekend from a tutorial on Martha Stewart's website.

Here you can see the lovely scrapbookpaper stand my dear Father-in-Law made for me. In South Africa you cannot buy the scrapbook furniture you see in the USA, so I showed him a picture and he made this. I could not believe it when he delivered it! You can also see my old desk where I cut and scrapbook.

Here is the my cupboard where I store my fabric stash. The drawers hold my homemade patterns and habberdashery and on top is an assortment of scrapbook papers, books, inspiration, tutorials I downloaded from the internet, beads and other crafty items. On the far left you can see my old typewriter peeping out below the basket. I use it for journaling on my scrapbook pages. I found it in a second-hand store close to work.

This is my work area. You can see my printer below. I use my computer and sewing machine on this table. It is facing the window and during the day I can see our garden and braai (barbeque) area from here. I recently found this lovely oilcloth fabric covering the table at a local fabric shop. I just cut it and used clothing pegs to hold it in place. I plan to sew a hem this weekend.
I will post more photos on my Flickr page (Pinktulipza) in case you want to see more.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! You are sooooo tidy!!! Now you are DEFINITELY not seeing mine (too messy!)
