Friday, November 7, 2008

I won pretty earrings!

A few weeks ago I left a comment on Maricris' website for a chance to win a stunning pair of her handmade earrings. I then completely forgot about it until I received an e-mail from her pronouncing me the winner! Today I received the parcel in the post.

I am thrilled! Maricris makes the most beautiful jewelry and you can buy from her Etsy shop Thank you, Maricris! And thank you to the lovely future mom blogger for picking me!

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad they came to you safe and in one piece! Oh I can just see them looking lovely on you. I hope you'll enjoy them! I like your new blog home! Glad you decide to move! :) - I'm glad I'm your first follower too! yay!
