Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Crocheted Bags

I am ashamed to admit that I did not accomplish much this past weekend. It was Women's Day in SA on Sunday and a public holiday on a Sunday automatically makes the Monday after a holiday. So, I had three days of sewing time and only managed to complete two crocheted bags that have been lying unfinished on my desk for a while...
The above bag I started a few weeks ago and finally completed it. This bag is intended to keep my current knit or crochet project(s) in. I intend to felt this bag. or give it a try at least. I have tested a sample of this yarn a while back. It is only 50% wool mixed with something called "courtelle" which no-one can tell me what it is. It felts, but not completely. Quite an interesting exercise.
I also crocheted this little bag. I started the bag last week, not really following any specific pattern and not really knowing what I wanted. It sort of morphed into a little drawstring bag in the end. I am not a great fan of drawstring bags as I prefer instant access to my bags, not fiddling with drawstrings, etc.

This bag is losely based on a cute little crochet bag pattern in the latest issue of Crochet World. I just loved the plaited handle idea! I added one string of pink in the handle to bring in some colour and doesn't it look good? I'm not sure if I want to felt this little bag. We'll see...


  1. Don't be ashamed of a not so productive weekend. Sometimes is good to be doing some other things other than being creative. :) I am so in love with your bags...very very lovely and that plaited handle is looking really good! Have a lovely merry happy day and love to you!

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