Friday, August 14, 2009

Felted: Crochet Bags

This was quite an exciting exercise as I was keen to see how this yarn would felt. I expected it to be different and was pleased with the result. This yarn is an Elle Aran Knit, a local yarn, that is 50% wool and 50% courtelle. I cannot find out what "courtelle" consists of, but it reacts better to felting than nylon or acrylic does. If you compare the above picture, taken after felting, with the picture in the previous post, before felting, you will see that all it did was become "fuzzy". The bag did not shrink at all. It feels marvelous though!

I tried to get a close-up to show the "fuzziness" better. Not a great picture, but you can still see it. The stitches still show, but the fuzziness looks great!

Here is a picture of my drawstring bag. Same result, lovely fuzziness. What did surprize me was how great the smaller pieces felted! The plaited handle and drawstring came out lovely. I still need to sew on the handle and I'm thinking of adding a flower.

Talking of crochet, I am so excited about Linda Permann's new book, Crochet Adorned! This book has stunning ideas on how to mix crochet with fabric, which has been on my mind quite a bit lately. Some of my favorite projects in the book are a fabric bag with crochet embellishments, and various items of clothing with crochet detail. Have a look at the fabulous apron with crochet trim! Head on over to to see it. It is the next book I am buying! Hope you all have a great, crafty weekend!


  1. Your bags are so amazing! I am green with envy.I have to learn to do that!!!

  2. My gosh are prolific...!
    Fabulous bags .
    Thankyou for the parcel. it arrived today..what a lovely surprise at 8am from the delivery man....the fabric is perfect for a project I have in mind ( for a friend who moved here from South Africa !) .Emily spotted the apron pattern on the cover of the magazine and has requested I make one for her birthday.
    Love it all, thanks again
    x PJ X

  3. Your bags are really amazing and so lovely! Hope you had a great weekend and love to you!

  4. I hope you had a good weekend! Missing you here on your blog. :) Love to you!

  5. That's interesting! It could be great for making toys - getting the fuzziness without shrinkage.
