Monday, August 31, 2009

Weekend Projects

I am really excited about the Build Your Wardrobe challenge I am participating in! I made another top. Yes, it's the same pattern I used for the previous two tops, from my Burda magazine. I do own other patterns. But I like this one so much! The next top will be a different pattern, I promise!
This yellow stretch jersey fabric was on sale at a local Fabric store last week. It was the last 2 metres on the roll and marked down to R7 a meter! That's less than $1 a meter. Bargain! I decided to mix the yellow with some black around the waist and arms. Really nice, I think. A few things I learnt about yellow and this fabric - it gets dirty very quickly; shows marks very clearly; is unforgiving - it shows any figure flaws very clearly!
Yellow is not a colour I own. In fact, I found only ONE yellow item in my entire closet last week. What started my craze to make something in yellow is this bag below.

I saw the pattern for this bag, called a Seed Stitch bag, in the Interweave Store. Love at first sight! I immediately purchased the pattern but could not find chunky yellow yarn anywhere. So I made one with lovely orange and gold yarn I had. I changed the pattern (no surprize there!) and sadly it came out HUGE! So big, I am too embarrassed to post it! I am working on a plan to selvage this bag...

At the same Fabric shop I bought the above yellow jersey fabric, I found this lovely Elle Chunky wool in a bright yellow. Also for a great price! This time I stuck to the pattern. The above is the result. Love the bag! It's smaller than the bag in the pattern because they used a thicker yarn, but I love it. I even made a sturdy insert for the bottom of the bag, covered in lovely yellow fabric and re-inforced the handle so it does not stretch too much. The yellow looks lovely with jeans, doesn't it?


  1. I am also really excited about your Build Your Wardrobe challenge! Those are gorgeous...loving your top and bag lots! You are sooo talented. :) Hope you had a good weekend and love to you!

  2. OK! Now I know that I have to make a shirt (or 3) out of that pattern. I will, however, not be using that fabric if it shows figure flaws. (My body is good at that without any help from fabric.)

  3. What a fun challenge! If I weren't knee deep in my house stuff, I think I'd like to join in. That top pattern flatters you - no reason not to make a dozen :)

  4. I love the top! Yellow is one of my favorite colors, but I don't often use in in clothing because it is so bright. I think yellow is perfect for this top, though, and the yellow bag is adorable!
