Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Crochet Adorned

The book I have been waiting for. It arrived on Friday morning! Wow! Just love this book! Crochet Adorned is everything I expected, and more. Check out the reviews on this book from Linda's blog here http://lindamade.wordpress.com

This is the project I could not wait to get started on! I picked out some lovely flowery fabric I purchased at Hobby Lobby in Chicago earlier this year and some blue cotton yarn but ended up using some creme fabric with brown flowers and leaves on in the end. I am almost done and will post soonest.
I also ordered this book. My first Vogue Knitting On The Go book, but not my last. Very nice knitted bag patterns inside.
Adding some new stash! I found this book (in the middle) on sale at a local bookshop. Not sure if I will ever crochet jewelry, but some of the projects look very interesting and can be adapted to accessories for my bags. My favorite knitting magazine, Simply Knitting, a magazine from the UK, Homespun from Australia containing stunning sewing projects and last, but not the least, some yummy yarn for new bags! Love this green yarn! I have already started crocheting a bag with it....

This is the reason I never finished my crochet top this weekend! On Sunday late afternoon my son fell head-first off his BMX bike and walking home all bloody....

he was attacked by the neighbour's dog! Can you believe this is a golden Springer Spaniel and they look so sweet. It seems this dog has attacked his BMX bike before but this time managed to bite his leg. We spent most of Sunday night at the hospital waiting to get a tetanus injection. I will spare you the photos of his other injuries on his arm, shoulder and head! Of course, did he wear his protective gear?!


  1. Poor son!! Hope he feels better soon!!
    Love that cover picture. I would love some of those flowers on a winter coat!!!!

  2. Those are such lovely books!! Im excited to see the projects you work on with these books. :) Im sorry to hear about your son's incident and i hope his feeling much better! Have a lovely merry happy day and love to you!
