Monday, December 7, 2009

Happy Birthday!

To me! A bit late in posting, but yes, last week on the 3rd of December was my birthday and I am only blogging about this because I received lots of vouchers to use for stash!

Which voucher did I use first? Of course, the book voucher! This is what I bought. A lovely book with lots of great knitted bag patterns in. I am so behind with book review that I would rather not promise one again! The rest of my vouchers I am spending make it last longer!


  1. Happy Birthday!!! I hope you had a really great week!

  2. Happy Birthday to You! I hope you had a lovely day! Have fun with using the vouchers and making projects from your new book. :)

  3. OH MY, sorry for wishing you late! Happy BELATED birthday! I hope you had a really good time and a great celebration! It's soo nice to receive vouchers! :) Have a lovely merry happy day and love to yoU!

  4. Belated birthday wishes!! Sounds like you got perfect presents - have fun spending your vouchers!!!
