Monday, January 4, 2010

A New Year!

Happy New Year! I am still shocked that time flies like it does and I feel like I am not getting nearly enough done in my Craft Room as I want to. My apologies for the long silence on my blog. Things were rather hectic at work and once I went on holiday it was the usual rush to buy Xmas presents, etc.

I did complete a few things the last two weeks though. I also received some lovely gift vouchers to spend on crafty stuff, so will be shopping soon! I will post some of my completed items in the next few days.

Hope you all have a craftastic 2010!


  1. Craftastic? Wow! For you a craftastic year too! :)

  2. HAPPY NEW YEAR!! Wishing you and yours many beautiful moments in 2010! I am looking forward to share more of our crafty adventures with you this year! Have a lovely merry happy day and love to you!
