Friday, April 30, 2010

More crocheted bags!

Ok, I know I said I will be spending some time sewing, but there was a pile of finished crocheted bags lying there waiting for lining...and then I got the most awesome new crocheted bag patterns...This is my latest creation. Just finished it last night, including lining. As always, I started making a bag from a pattern and then changed the bag completely halfway through! I saw a picture of a crocheted bag in black with white crocheted circles sewn on in a French pattern book and started making it two nights ago.
Then I saw another bag where the entire bag was put together with crocheted circles. I used some O-rings to give the circles some strength and crocheted them together, then to the bottom part of the bag. Then I started to crochet the top part of the bag above the circles. Very easy and oh, so pretty! Took a few minutes to decide on colors, but I like the combination of colors I ended up with. The handles are my pride and joy! It is really difficult to find bag handles locally and if you do, they are almost always bamboo handles. I bought some cheap wooden bead necklaces a while back and had this idea to make my own handles with wire bought at the hardware store. Armed with some solid advice from my DH, I went off to the hardware last week and bought 2mm wire. I showed DH a picture of the handles I want and he twisted the wires while I added the beads. The orange bead handles were originally intended for another bag, mentioned in a recent post, but looked too good on this bag to not use it! Finally I used plain black cotton lining to show off the colored circles. Love the result!

This is a very plain bag because I wanted to show off this magnificent color. It is called Grape and the yarn is Elle Toy Story. A very thin, and inexpensive yarn. I used double strands for this bag in single stitch to make it firm. The little charms are from one of my Japanese Craft Books and really easy to make, stuffed with cotton wool.

Not easy to see the nice lining fabric, but it is a soft green with little purple flowers on. I have had this fabric for years.
My pink and grey spike bag all done.

Soft pink polka dot fabric for the lining and I love the end result!

I found this cool "old-fashioned" sewing tin at Chamdor over the weekend. It now holds all my "eye candy". That is little fabric flowers, cute buttons and other sweet little embellishment ideas for my bags.

This bag is a quick project I completed in one afternoon over the weekend. The lining still needs to be sewn.

My completed Gardening at Night bag from Debbie Stoller of Stitch Nation fame. Mine is of course very different from the pattern, but I am beginning to like it a lot. The hexagons were fun to make. I lined this bag with plain black cotton fabric and pockets inside.

I have not started a new crocheted bag yet. I plan to sew my winter coat this weekend and maybe work some more on my crocheted orange coat as well. Who knows what else I might feel like making this weekend? I prefer to "go with the flow"...Hope you all have a great weekend!


  1. I love the grape colour bag and the lovely eye candy box, I would love one like it so will keep my eye out and maybe I will find one on my travels. Have a great weekend.

  2. I absolutely LOVE that black bag - divine!!! So many beautiful bags in this post!! Love your crochet tassle thingymajiggies :-)

  3. Oh my your crocheted bags are sooo gorgeous and i really really adore that pink and grey spike bag! Love the dots! Hope you had a wonderful weekend and wishing you a lovely week ahead! Love to you!
