Thursday, May 13, 2010

Zero productivity!

Productivity in my craft room has been zero the last ten days....

Unfortunately I picked up a horrible sinus-related flu two weekends ago and even if I wanted to, I could not even try to make anything. Between using tissues to wipe my nose every 2 seconds and then my runny eyes every 3 seconds, I did not have enough hands to sew or crochet! I am feeling a lot better this week and I am slowly getting back to creativity and productivity. I hope to share some new projects with you soon! Hope you are all having a great week so far.


  1. Oh dear sound dreadful - I hope you are soon up and about and makeing those lovely bags.
    Beverley x

  2. Hi again - Just seen your comment and I also love Jersey but it is not forgiving if you know what I mean and you need to pull those stomach muscles.... again hope you are back to par pretty soon.
    Beverley x

  3. Hope you are up and running again soon!!

  4. Rest and give it time! There is a life after this!
    Beterschap. :)

  5. I am sooo soos sorry to hear that you are unwell and down with sinus-related flu! I hope you get well soon! Sending you healing tots your way and lots of love! Have a lovely merry happy weekend and love to you!

  6. I hope you are feeling much better and i hope you weekend was sweet and restful! Wishing you a lovely merry happy week! Missing you here. Love to you!
