Thursday, July 8, 2010

Meet Jessie!

I have been very distracted lately. Many reasons for this - I can admit to reading a lot, following the Soccer World Cup games and being very busy at work, but here is another reason for my distraction. Meet our new baby (the closest I will come now to a new baby!) Jessie. Not the greatest picture, but I must have taken 20 pics before I got her to sit still long enough AND look at the camera!
Jessie is a pitt-bull terrier, our 5th one, and no, they are not aggressive dogs unless you treat them badly. When we got her a few weeks ago, she was really ill. She was tiny and did not pick up any weight, despite eating well. The Vet gave her lots of injections and medicine and in 4 days she grew double the size! Now she runs around the house chewing on everything and steals my balls of yarn! I see a long line down the hallway and find the yarn in the lounge, "hidden" under the couch.

This is my latest craze. Fabric yarn. I saw the most awesome tutorials on Ravelry and just had to try it myself. I have almost completed a bag with the orange and brown and will share when it is done. I did not have the heart to cut up any of my T-shirts so I used some of my clothing fabric. There is an awesome tutorial here: You use stretch knit fabric and I used a very large crochet hook, size 10mm or 12mm. it gives you a very thick, very strong bag. I am already planning my next bag!

I also made a lovely scarf last week in preparation for our short 3-day break into the country. I used Rowan Biggy Print yarn in 100% wool, using a size 20mm needles. A quick project and great fun.

I also crocheted 3 new bags during our few days away. The long cartrip was ideal to crochet. I will share these soon too. I just need to get going on finishes like lining and handles.

Hope you are all having a great week!


  1. This baby is adorable! I'm happy your Jessie is feeling better now. And she has a good taste in yarn. ;)

  2. Ag shame! She's beautiful! I love pitt-bulls, I've only ever met lovely ones.

  3. Love your dog he is adorable and he likes crafting too by the looks of things. You make the fabric thingy sound so simple but way above my head. Thanks for popping by I do read all comments but don't always get back as my machine for some reason will not do outlook and most emails on each blog are in outlook... sorry.

  4. Oh my, your little jessie is sooo adorable!! It's really nice to have a pet at home. :) I love your fabric yarn!! They look like fun and i your scarf is sooo gorgeous! Loving the colors. Have a lovely merry happy weekend and love to you!
