Monday, June 28, 2010

Knit jersey tops

My apologies for being absent for so long again! I have no excuse except that things have been so hectic at work and home the last few weeks. Not that it has slowed down a lot, but I missed my blog friends, so here I am! Creativity has also suffered greatly the last month. I seem to have plenty of WIP's, even more than before! And I keep starting new projects and not finishing them. Urgh. I think this is a sure sign that I am not feeling very creative at all.

I did finish this gorgeous orange and black bag above. Love, love, love it! Just wish I can now sew the lining so I can use it! I just adore this bag. It was a pain to change colours the whole time and I tried several methods, but ended up with the old fashioned method of cutting the yarn and starting with a new color. This left me with hours of finishing work, but well worth it. The little belt and buckle is so cute. I plan to make leather handles but I am debating a new way of using them. I will share the finished bag once I get to it!
I did make a few knit jersey tops in the last few weeks and am already wearing them. This top I made with lovely black and white knit fabric I bought at Hobby Lobby this year in Chicago. This is from a new pattern I bought online.
This top I made from a very easy pattern and it only has two pattern parts. Quick to make!

This is my first attempt at sewing ruffles to my tops. Real easy and such fun to make. I really like the end result. Apologies for the shiny photo!
I have had this fabric for quite a while and cannot understand why I have not used it before. It is a lovely quality knit fabric. I just love the colors! This is another top from my favorite Bernina Inspiration magazine pattern.
I am experimenting with combining colors in my tops and this is the first one I made. Love the bright orange and black together. Not sure if this is what I really wanted, but I have worn it a few times already.
Apart from these, I have a zillion new projects such as bags, scarfes, hats, tops, etc. that are halfway. Too embarrasing to share all of them! I hope to have some completed projects to share as soon as I can get myself inspired to finish something. Hope you all have a great week!


  1. Oh I know that feeling, lots of ideas in the head but no motivation to get going with them. My excuse at the moment is my daughter is staying with me a while and is in the spare room come sewing room and I cannot move for her 'stuff' thats my excuse anyway or perhaps its the nice weather we are having which makes a change for the UK especially here in the North West.
    Love the tops especially the orange.

  2. Yipee so happy to have you back with us! I really miss you too! And i totally understand your blog silent...thinsg are really busy here as well and im feeling a little overwhlemed. I am loving your orange and black bag ~ soo gorgeous! And yout tops are fabulous! Have a lovely merry happy week and love to you!

  3. Wow! the tops are simply wonderful!! I need to get going on mine before winter arrives. Still waiting for a lift to a fabric shop though!!

    What a fun bag, but it does look like a lot of work!!!!

  4. I've been wanting to make some like this too! Yours are great, I'm motivated now.
