We went away the week before Christmas so it was a mad rush to finish all the handmade gifts and decorations before we left! Here is a picture of the general chaos and production line...
My friend Sharon bought me the most beautiful book for my birthday in early December. Sew Pretty Christmas Homestyle is the best book I have ever got! I made almost half the projects in the book within 2 weeks after getting it. That is amazing!

The fabrics featured in this book is from the Tilda line and really expensive, but I would LOVE to own some! Here are a few things I made from the book:

These cuties comes in two sizes: a small pattern that allows you to use the teddies as Christmas tree ornaments, and a bigger size (that I used) that they used as an embellishment to gifts. I made one for each female member of the family and put it in their (handmade) gift bag. I made my teddies from felt.

I never took pictures of the completed gift bags, so here is a picture from the book. The gift bags are really simple to make.

I also made these muffins. Aren't they adorable? This was a decoration at the Xmas table. It was quite a task to sew the round bottom of these babies! I filled the bottom with dry beans to ensure they do not fall over.

I have also started making an Angel from the book. I did not have doll's hair so I decided to embroider hair for her. Sadly I have still not completed this one!
And from my A is for Apron book, I made a Xmas apron!

I did not take a lot of pictures at Christmas, but here is one of my table. Most of my handmade decorations are in the background and cannot be seen in this photo. We had a great Christmas with family and friends.