Thursday, June 3, 2010

Parcel in the Post

My apologies for being absent so long. This flu is really nasty and took hold of me for two weeks straight! Things are hectic at work so no chance of even taking a day or so off, so I suppose that's why it took so long to shake it. I was cheered up no end when I received a parcel from my friend on the farm a few days ago!

Inside, the most delicious goodies! Some stunning wool yarn, a sewing magazine, a gorgeous crochet pattern for a bag, hat and scarf and two bag handles! I had to laugh when I saw the empty easter egg wrapper inside! Thank you so much Karol-Ann for all the lovely goodies! I cannot wait to use the yarn and handles.

I will be doing the rounds to see what all of my favorite blog friends have been up to the last two weeks and to say hello. In the next few days I will share the few projects I have been busy with lately. Not much, but I hope productivity will improve!


  1. Thank you for your email and I am glad you are up and about we missed you. Love your parcel I love receiving things (other than brown envelopes usually bills) in the post. Have a good day and take things slow.

  2. And I had to laugh that the Easter egg wrapper was inside at all!! - I must not have checked that your envelope was empty before I put your gifts in LOLOLOLOL. It was a great egg - thanks! - and it wasn't a hint :-)))))
    So pleased it arrived safely and that it cheered you up. Hope you are all better now!!

  3. It's good to be back here at your space. I have been visiting you on and off to see how things are and to look at your beautiful creations! I hope all is well and your are good! Loving your orange/black bag and these gorgeous tops! have a lovely merry happy day and love to you!
