Thursday, December 25, 2008
Merry Christmas!
Monday, December 15, 2008
Christmas Decorations
This is not from the book but from the You can Make This blog. It's a door ornament, easy to make and adorable!

Recently my Mom-in-Law gave me an embroidery frame and I did not think I would ever use it, but I did for this project. What a difference it makes! It was so much easier to do the embroidery.

This is the finished product, although this is another one I made for myself with pink. You use organza ribbon to hang it from. It is really cute!
I also made some heart hanging ornaments that are from my new book.
Once again, easy to make! All the projects in this book are easy to make and gorgeous! I will post a review of the book soon. I used my new adorable pink Xmas fabric for the bigger heart and felt for the smaller one. I embellished with yo-yo's and on the one I added little Xmas bells on ribbon. I will post some pictures of my house as soon as all the decorations are done.
Stork Party Gift
The kitchen project
New Pincushions for new pin toppers!
This pink cupcake pincushion is simply adorable and so easy to make. I cannot remember which blog I got this from though! It shows off my lovely new pink cupcake pin toppers.

I also found the pattern for these cute little hedgehogs and decided to make a few!
Lastly, and the BEST of all! I asked Yifat to make me a custom order of pink tulip pin toppers. They are so amazing! She even made me a free little charm to go with the set! You must go look at her Etsy shop and buy some of these gorgeous pin toppers and other lovely polymer clay items she makes. She is a true artist!
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
My first Blog Award!

“This blog invests and believes the PROXIMITY - nearness in space, time and relationships! These blogs are exceedingly charming. These kind bloggers aim to find and be friends. They are not interested in prizes or self-aggrandizement. Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated. Please give more attention to these writers! Deliver this award to eight bloggers who must choose eight more and include this cleverly-written text into the body of their award.”
I am supposed to pass this award onto 8 wonderful people, but in the spirit of the award I have only selected 6 people that have been very supportive and kind to me and saved me from talking to cyberspace! This award is passed on to:
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Creative Swap update

What a lovely birthday surprize to find this parcel in my post yesterday! Tulsi, my swap partner in the Creative Swap, sent me the most fabulous stuff!

I am crazy about the brown fabric with pink flowers and butterflies on it! Tulsi even sent me matching plain pink fabric and brown thread! The yellow fabric also came with matching thread and is ideal for my kitchen I am re-doing in yellow. I also received two handbag patterns! cannot wait to make them!

A box of cereal with all my favorite ingredients that I will be enjoying soon and a lovely card with a handwritten note inside. Thank you so much Tulsi! I LOVE everything in my parcel! I appreciate all the trouble you went to to get me stuff that I like.
Seams to Me projects

Here is my first attempt at it with pretty pink and blue material. I had such fun making it that I have cut out another two already! The full size patterns in the book makes it possible to start a project immediately. With this one I used a stiff interfacing which I will not repeat in the next two. I think this bag is meant to be a bit floppy.
Birthday fun!
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
It's my birthday today!
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Designer Fabric Doggie

A close-up of the doggies face. It is meant as a decorative item for your bed so the doggie is sleeping. Isn't it the cutest little thing? The eyes and nose are made with scrap pieces of felt and handstitched. The nose template is a heart shape. It now naps away in my craft room every day...
Book review: Seams to Me by Anna Maria Horner

New pink designer bag

New Book Review: Oilcloth Inspirations

I am crazy about craft books. Recently I went a bit wild buying some new books on a variety of subjects. This is a review on one of my favorites by Sophie Bester. I am in an "oilcloth phase(craze?)" at the moment and this book is great!

My favorite must be this chair cushion cover. My chair in my sewing room has been bare for a while since I cannot find any inspiration to make a cushion. I have found it. The frill is cotton and the seat is oilcloth. Beautiful!

A cute tablecloth also with the frill in cotton fabric. The flowers on the frill are made from oilcloth. Wow. I could not believe the flowers and embesllishments in this book made from oilcloth!

A portable cushion for picnics or outside. Too cute!

Several bags in this book. From shoppers to totes to this elegant bag with the most devine oilcloth flowers on it!

An adorable oilcloth apron with FRILLS on the shoulders! These are just a few of the amazing projects inside this book. If you like oilcloth, like me, this book is worth getting!
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Designer reading glasses pouch
Craft Book Review

What a lovely book. It has many quick and easy projects made from felted wool or purchased wool felt. Projects range from slippers, bags, hats and many more. It has a lovely Russian furry hat project that I have to try sometime!
Here is an example of just one of the many bags you can make from this book. The instructions are easy to follow, step-by-step with pictures. The patterns can be found at the back of the book.
Another handbag project with lots of embroidery on it.
And cute mittens!
So when I got this mad idea in my head that I want some crocheted and knitted cupcake pincushions I knew trouble was around the corner. I sent the knitted patterns to the professional - my sister Linda. But I can crochet a little cupcake, right?
I crochet very lose. When my Mom-in-Law and I crochet exactly the same item my finished product is DOUBLE the size of hers! Anyway, I was determined to make a cupcake! By the third row I had lost the plot completely. I had no idea why I had more stitches than the pattern or why mine did not even look the same. What happened?

By the 6th row I knew this is not working. So I improvised. I made my own pattern up. So, here is my wonky crocheted cupcake. My apologies to the lovely person who designed this beauty, but I am hopeless at crochet! It is kind of cute though...

I made a few other pincushions to compliment my wonky cupcake. I was not making another crocheted one! I think I will wait for Linda to make me some lovely knitted ones now and stick to sewing!
Craft Apron

New Sewing Machine!

I received an early birthday present last weekend! I am so thrilled to replace my almost 20 year old Janome with a brand new one. It works like a dream and the best is that I can get parts and accessories for it from several local shops. I have already purchased a few extra feet to do free motion quilting and some other fancy stuff. I cannot wait to start experimenting!
One thing that did not impress me is the lack of extra goodies my machine came with. My first Janome had a lovely zipped plastic cover to store it in and various feet and other accessories. This one cost a lot more and had just a handful of items included.

One of the first things I did was to make a cover for my new machine. I did not like the covers they sell and this gave me an excuse to try my hand at sewing with oilcloth! This is however a very thin oilcloth which was an absolute breeze to sew. I made a pocket at the back of the cover that has a velcro closing for the control foot but it turned out the foot was too heavy for the thin oilcloth. Might have to make another cover...

This is a close-up of the pocket at the back of the cover. Love this blue and pink print oilcloth.